Sunday, February 14, 2010

31 Week 3D/4D Utrasound

On Friday, February 12, we went for our final 3D/4D ultrasound.  We were told she would be a little "chunkier" than last time and that we would not be able to get as many full body pictures.  She was definitely bigger than 10 weeks ago!  We have been so lucky with all of our previous ultrasounds because she cooperated so well and were were always able to see what wanted needed to see (gender . . .) and get great pictures of her cute little face.  Well, this one was a little different!  She either had both feet, or both hands, in front of her face for the entire 30 minutes.  We tried switching me onto both sides, standing up, jumping, laying down . . . nope, she was not about to put those hands down!  So, here are a few pictures where you can actually see her face!  She is even smiling in one of them!  Soooo cute!  I can't wait to hold her in just a few weeks (well, as compared to 36 weeks when I found out - it does seem like "just a few week!")! 

Tomorrow we will finally have the chair in her nursery and that means all that is left is a nightstand and a lamp . . . boy those two things seems to be taking FOREVER to find!  We ordered our Orbit Stroller / Travel System and it should be here by the end of the month!!!!  And, I had my first baby shower - a surprise baby shower at work!  It was last Tuesday and I was SOOO surprised - and definitely got some wonderful gifts from those that I work with!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Nursery Progression

We decided to paint the room a light pink, that was recommended by Serena & Lily to match the bedding.  The ceiling is actually a lighter shade of pink.  To start our argyle design, we drew a grid pattern using the level and chalk lines.

More taping and taping and taping!  We ended up using 3 roles of the blue tape!!!

So proud, and he should be!  What a great job Brian:)  Of course, I helped!!!

Next we painted the inside of the "diamonds" a green color.

Then we peeled the blue painters tape off.  I finally felt like we were making progress!

More of the green.

The whole wall 1/3 of the way through!

This was the TRICKY part - several days of discussion and thought as to best go about doing the white lines to create the argyle pattern.  We decided on the laser level, then a layer of regular tape (the brown color) with a layer of blue painter's tape on each side of that (a total of 3 lines of tape, for each line, each direction).  Next, we peeled the brown tape off from between the two lines of blue painter's tape and FINALLY, painted the section white . . . this to some TIME!  and patience:)

More of the lines. . .

Same process, other direction . . . another night!

Finally, we were finished!  We spent a long, long, long time, standing, and staring at the beautiful wall!


The curtains - well, I actually ordered the fabric from Serena and Lily and made them myself - no pattern!  I wanted the fabric to match the bedding and, to add a few more shades of pink.  I painted the picture to the left of the window on canvas, using a damask stencil that matches the bedding design!  And look at the pretty chandelier!

The crib against the wall.  I want to crawl in it and sleep!  And, you can see the white sheepskin rug on the floor.  I think the dog likes it the most!


Just like I imagined!  Hope the little girl likes it!

The nightmare chandalier - looks beautiful but took FOREVER to install b/c of all the old wiring in our house . . . won't ask for that again for a few years!!!

Now, we are waiting on a green swivel glider, and ottoman, to arrive.  We also need to purchase a nightstand and a lamp of some sort.  I've decided that can be a weekend project with mom because I think my husband needs, and deserves, a break after that!!!

A few pics of me . . . growing!


I'll keep you posted on the nusery, and me.  30 weeks down, 10 to go.  We are scheduled for our final 3d/4d ultraound on February 12!